PRICE: $85.00 |
$75.00 |
$10.00 |
Ref. # 0315-1 |
Descripción: Cinturilla control para mujer. Elaborado en Powernet en alta compresión, forrada con tela hipo-alergénica. Controla la cintura, el abdomen, y la espalda. Resalta El Busto. Recomendado: Uso Diario. Faja Modeladora. Zipper al frente y Broches adentro, para ajustar. Reduce y mantiene la firmesa en su adbomen. Corrije y ayuda su postura. Muchas mujeres lo usan diaramente para tonificar y reducir cm's de su cintura, mientras se esta usando. Reafirmante: Contribuye al fortalecimiento del tejido. Beneficia la región lumbar, aliviando y evitando luxaciones y dolores de espalda |
•Lavar a mano, usar jabones suaves, secar a la sombra y no retorcer. |
•No usar blanqueador |
•No dejar en remojo |
•No planchar |
Description: Waist Cincher control for women. Made with high-compression Powernet, send Low-cut back. Shaping Girdle: Abdomen Control. Recommended: Daily Use, Post-Lipo, Post-Partum and Shaping Girdle. Frontal zipper and inside Eyelet Hooks Closure. Reduces and maintains the firmness on your abdomen. Many women wear this garment on a daily basis to tone and instantly reduce cm's on their waist, hips and legs while in use. |
•Remove all the surgical soap before girdles use. hand wash, do not dry, and do not twist |
•Do not bleach |
•Do not leave in soaking |
•Do not iron |
Black = $80.00 , 2XL = $85.00, 3XL =
$89.99 |
Beige 2XL = $80.00, 3XL = $85.00 |